Developer Resource Center

IHDA Connect PID / Account Request Form

All projects seeking IHDA resources must submit a Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) and/or an Application for review. In order to submit your PPA or Application, you must first request a Project ID (PID) and an account for IHDA Connect, the Authority’s document management web application. Once assigned a PID for your development proposal, and access to IHDA Connect is established, all documents should be uploaded electronically into IHDA Connect.

To request an account for IHDA Connect and a PID, please click here or visit to fill out the online form. Here you will be able to list members of your development team to which you would like to grant access to interact with the PID.  Please allow up to three business days to receive confirmation that the account and/or PID has been created. If you have not received your account information within three business days, please reach out to

If you have an IHDA Connect account and have forgotten your password, please use the self-service password reset option beneath the credential fields at

Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Resources

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program was created by the United States Congress in 1986 to promote the development of affordable housing for low income individuals and families. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for the Tax Credit program are found under Section 42 of the Code of 1986, as amended.

As an allocating agency for the Tax Credit program in Illinois, the Illinois Housing Development Authority (Authority) is required to publish a Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) that details how it intends to award the tax credits. Pursuant to Section 42 of the Code, the QAP describes criteria the Authority considers in evaluating Projects and development teams applying for an Allocation of Tax Credits.

2024-2025 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)

2024-2025 Approved QAP.

2024-2025 QAP Summary of Changes

This provides a summary of changes between the 2022-2023 QAP and the 2024-2025 QAP.

Past Qualified Allocation Plans

2022-2023 Qualified Allocation Plan

2022-2023 QAP. Updated September 2021.

2020-2021 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)

2020-2021 Governor approved QAP. Updated October 2019.

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) is pleased to announce tentative dates for 2024 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) application round. Please see the key event deadlines for the 2024 9% LIHTC round below:

PPA Deadline for 2024 LIHTC Applications December 8, 2023
PPA Notification to Sponsors February 2, 2024
2024 Applications Due March 29, 2024
Clarification Period Notice / Responses Due May 13, 2023 – May 17, 2024
Recommendations to Board July 19, 2024

PPA and Application Timeline 2024 4% LIHTC

The Preliminary Project Assessment is the first step when applying for the Authority resource requests. All potential LIHTC (for both 4% and 9%) and soft fund applicants must complete the Preliminary Project Assessment (“PPA”) process prior to the submission of a Project Application.

PPA Submission Documents

2024-2025 Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) Workbook

The updated 2024-2025 Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) Workbook. This current version of this PPA Workbook should be used when applying for a non-PSH, IHDA-administered program that requires a PPA. Only this current version will be accepted.

Development Experience Certification: Sponsor

Sponsor experience certification. Updated October 2023.

Development Experience Certification: General Contractor

General contractor experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: Architect

Architect experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: Service Provider

Architect experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: Property Manager

Property manager experience certification. Updated September 2021, to be used with 2024-2025 application round.

Multifamily Fee Payment Form

Multifamily fee payment form to be submitted with all PPA and full applications.

PPA Reference Documents

PPA Data and Metrics Chart 2024-2025

The market data and metrics reviewed for the PPA are outlined in the 2024-2025 PPA Data and Metrics Chart. The chart is divided by the different PPA market review categories and the data and indicators used to examine each category are discussed.

2024-2025 PPA Review Parameters

Underwriting Standards Guide

This Underwriting Standards Guide presents the Authority’s criteria for evaluating a Project’s financial feasibility and underwriting assumptions.

Underwriting Guide Changes Outlined

This guide provides a side-by side comparison of the Authority’s January Underwriting 2023 Guide to it’s October Underwriting 2023 Guide.

Twinning Guidance

The following guidance is provided to Project Sponsors seeking both 9% LIHTC and 4% LIHTC to finance two projects supporting a common development plan (“Common Development Plan”).

2024-2025 Food Access PPA Verification Process

As part of the Preliminary Project Application (PPA) review under the 2024-2025 QAP, applicants will strive to demonstrate that they are within an acceptable distance from fresh healthy food. For more information about this component and to access the tool, please visit the Market Research page.

Affordable Rental Unit Survey (ARUS)

The Affordable Rental Unit Survey is an analysis of affordable rental housing concentrations in every census tract in the State (organized by county). For more information about the ARUS, its background and methodology, and the web tool, please visit the Market Research page.

Affordability Risk Index (ARI)

The Affordability Risk Index (ARI) is a tool intended to demonstrate the need to preserve affordability in areas that are becoming less affordable at a faster rate. For more information and the ARI Guide, please visit the Market Research page.

Revitalization Impact Areas

PPA Status List

As PPAs for IHDA resources are now accepted on a rolling basis, IHDA provides the status of PPAs received and approved to date.

Required submission for all Tax Credit Projects.

Mandatory Submission Documents

Multifamily Fee Payment Form

Multifamily Fee Payment Form to be submitted with all PPA and full applications. Updated February 2024.

Common Application

The Common Application is to be submitted after PPA approval and required for all IHDA resource requests.

2024-2025 Application Checklist

The current version of this Mandatory Application Checklist is to be used when applying for an Allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits.

Historic Preservation Checklist

Historic Preservation Checklist form. Updated February 2020.

Architectural Standards, Universal Design and Amenities Certification

Architectural Standards, Universal Design and Amenities Certification form. Updated February 2024

Certification of Project Scope Outline

Guide for Sponsors and architects in the preparation of the written project scope.

Relocation Checklist

To be used for all projects involving the acquisition or rehabilitation of any property that is occupied by residential or commercial tenants as of the application date. Both temporary and permanent relocation require completion of this checklist. Updated February 2020.

2024-2025 Site and Market Study Summary Form

2024-2025 Market study form

Development Experience Certification: Sponsor

Sponsor experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: General Contractor

General contractor experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: Architect

Architect experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: Service Provider

Service Provider experience certification. Updated November 2023.

Development Experience Certification: Property Manager

Property manager experience certification. Updated September 2021, to be used with 2024-2025 application round.

Application Certification, Organizational Chart and Identity of Interest Certification

Organizational Chart and Identity of Interest Certification form. Updated March 2024.

IHDA Enterprise Green Communities Workbook

IHDA’s workbook to adhere to Enterprise Green Communities program’s required criteria. Please submit this workbook with the elements due at Project Application. Updated November 2023.

SRN User Agreement

Special Populations Housing User Agreement Form.

Statewide Referral Network Agreement

This document should be completed, in draft form, for all Projects including Statewide Referral Network (SRN) units.

Community Revitalization Plan Thresholds Scoring and Criteria

This document outlines IHDA’s Community Revitalization mandatory Threshold Requirements and Scoring Criteria under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, in conjunction with the QAP. Projects with a Community Revitalization condition should reference the Threshold Requirements; those seeking up to 10 points in the Community Revitalization category (9% projects only) should reference both the Threshold Requirements and Scoring Criteria. More information and supporting documents are located on IHDA’s Community Revitalization website. Updated November 2023.

Mandatory Reference Documents

Certificates of Consistency

List of HUD Local Consolidated Plan Jurisdictions

Design, Construction & Regulatory Compliance Requirements – Update

The Design, Construction & Regulatory Compliance Requirements (Requirements) have been developed to provide development teams, receiving Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA, or Authority) resources, a reference document outlining IHDA’s requirements for the design and construction of high-quality affordable housing, including new construction, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse of existing buildings.

2024-2025 Standards for Site and Market Study Reviews and Professionals

2024-2025 Site and market requirements for ALL multifamily projects.

Underwriting Standards Guide

This Underwriting Standards Guide presents the Authority’s criteria for evaluating a Project’s financial feasibility and underwriting assumptions.

Underwriting Guide Changes Outlined

This guide provides a side-by side comparison of the Authority’s January Underwriting 2023 Guide to it’s October Underwriting 2023 Guide.

Twinning Guidance

The following guidance is provided to Project Sponsors seeking both 9% LIHTC and 4% LIHTC to finance two projects supporting a common development plan (“Common Development Plan”).

Exclusive to 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) applications

Scoring Submission Documents

These documents may be submitted with full application to receive points

2024-2025 Scoring Workbook – General Track

2024-2025 9% LIHTC scoring certification form, to be used with projects pursuing the General Scoring Track.

2024-2025 Scoring Workbook – PSH Track

2024-2025 9% LIHTC scoring certification form, to be used with projects pursuing the PSH Scoring Track.

Architectural Standards, Universal Design and Amenities Certification

Architectural Standards, Universal Design and Amenities Certification form. Updated February 2024.

Asset Map template

This template may be used to fulfill the Community Revitalization requirement and to pursue points for Neighborhood Assets.

BIPOC Self-Certification

This document must be signed and submitted at time of application for Teams pursuing points as BIPOC-Led or BIPOC-Governed entities.

Scoring Reference Documents

Reference documents exclusive to 9% LIHTC applications.

Municipalities subject to the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act

Municipalities subject to the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act. Updated December 2023.

Underwriting Standards Guide

This Underwriting Standards Guide presents the Authority’s criteria for evaluating a Project’s financial feasibility and underwriting assumptions.

Underwriting Guide Changes Outlined

This guide provides a side-by side comparison of the Authority’s January Underwriting 2023 Guide to it’s October Underwriting 2023 Guide.

2024-2025 Site and Market Study Review Criteria and Scoring

2024 – 2025 Site and Market Study Review Criteria and Scoring.

Community Revitalization Plan Thresholds and Scoring Criteria

This document outlines IHDA’s Community Revitalization mandatory Threshold Requirements and Scoring Criteria under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, in conjunction with the QAP. Projects with a Community Revitalization condition should reference the Threshold Requirements; those seeking up to 10 points in the Community Revitalization category (9% projects only) should reference both the Threshold Requirements and Scoring Criteria. More information and supporting documents are located on IHDA’s Community Revitalization website.

Map of current QCTs and R/ECAPs for determining Community Revitalization Requirements

This map shows the most current Qualified Census Tract (QCT), Racially or Ethnically Concentrated Area of Poverty (R/ECAP), and Difficult Development Area (DDA) designations available. LIHTC projects located in areas designated as QCTs and/or R/ECAPs are required to submit Community Revitalization documentation that meets thresholds at time of application.

Organizational Chart Template

Teams pursuing points as BIPOC-led entities should refer to this organizational chart as an example of what should be submitted with their application.

Quality of Life Index (QOLI)

The Quality of Life Index score is a dynamic measurement of cumulative positive outcome measurements in five different Quality of Life Categories. These categories are: education, prosperity, health, housing, and connectivity.

Supplementing QOLI Scoring with CRS Guide

IHDA provides technical assistance to project sponsors and communities that require or are interested in submitting a Community Revitalization Strategy or in supplementing the existing Quality of Life Index score with Community Revitalization Strategies.  If Project Sponsor elects to supplement existing Quality of Life Index (QOLI) score with Community Revitalization (CR) documentation, eligible criteria are indicated in this document along with the relevant QOLI category.

Proximity to Jobs

Step-by-step instructions for scoring submission documentation and guidance on using the On the Map tool to receive the Proximity to Jobs point.

SRN Initial Demand List

Refer to this list as the Project prepares a PPA. Updated Aug. 2023.

SRN Final Demand List

Refer to this list as the Project prepares a PPA. Updated Dec. 2023.

SRN User Agreement

Special Populations Housing User Agreement Form.

Statewide Referral Network Agreement

Statewide Referral Network agreement. Updated Dec. 2022.

Section 811 Initial Demand List

Refer to this list as the Project prepares a PPA. Updated Aug. 2023.

Section 811 Final Demand List

Refer to this list as the Project prepares a PPA. Updated Dec. 2023.

Set-Aside Lookup Tool

Map of Illinois locations by set-aside.

Sample Tax Credit Calculation Method

Example calculating eligible tax credit amount based on qualified basis and equity gap methods. Updated November 2015.

IHDA Portfolio and Pending Projects Map

The status of all PPAs and applications for IHDA resources, as well as IHDA’s current portfolio, can be found via the IHDA Portfolio and Pending Projects Map.

Statewide Referral Network Fact Sheet

Information for property owners and managers about the Statewide Referral Network (SRN), other related resources, and their obligations as SRN participants.

Registered Agencies- Service Providers List

The listed agencies added are based on data generated from database. Criteria includes registered agencies with agents by city and zip code.

LIHTC & HOME Compliance Manual for Owners and Agents

Manual for owners and agents of properties with Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).

2023 Compliance Connection

The 2023 Compliance Connection resource portal outlines annual compliance requirements and options for our valued partners – property owners and managers.

DMS Authority Online User Manual

Income Averaging

As is well known throughout the affordable housing industry, Congress recently created a new occupancy set-aside option known as “income averaging.” Instead of electing the 20/50 or 40/60 minimum set-aside, an owner may elect an income averaging set-aside. This allows a property to serve households up to 80% AMI, as long as at least 40% of the total units are rent and income restricted and the average income limit for all tax credit units in the project is at or below 60% AMI.

The Authority understands its stakeholders are excited to take advantage of this new option to better serve the needs of those seeking affordable housing. Given the nuances of this new set-aside option, the Authority is carefully reviewing applicable law and industry guidance with the goal of developing a policy around income averaging that will ensure the Authority can continue to administer the low-income housing tax credit (“LIHTC”) program in the most effective and efficient way possible.

As the Authority continues its analysis of this new set-aside option, the Authority wanted to provide some information about the parameters currently being considered. The information in this bulletin is not intended to be conclusive or exhaustive. The Authority’s final policy may or may not include the elements discussed below. In addition, if determined to be applicable, the Authority will take steps to amend the 2018-2019 Qualified Allocation Plan.

Please note, developments will be ineligible to select income averaging if: (i) the development received 9% LIHTC award from the Authority in 2018 (or earlier); or (ii) the development receives a 9% award from the Authority in 2019; or (iii) the development already has a recorded Extended Use Agreement (including resyndications); or (iv) the development already filed a Form 8609.

Developments seeking 4% LIHTC’s that desire to elect income averaging will be considered by the Authority on a case-by-case basis. Tax exempt bond developments will still need to meet all applicable bond-related compliance requirements.

Additionally, the Authority is in the process of updating the Affordable Rental Unit Survey (ARUS) to reflect all the allowable income levels under income averaging. Please click the link below for additional information.

Affordable Rental Unit Survey (ARUS)

Anticipated mandatory requirements for any development requesting to elect income averaging:

  • All units must be designated low income; the development may not contain unrestricted or market rate residential units.
  • Designated income/rent levels may only be set at 10% increments beginning at 20% of AMI. Allowable income/rent designation levels are 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, or 80% of AMI. The Authority reserves the right to limit the number of AMI designations per property.

Anticipated supplemental application items for any development requesting to elect income averaging:

  • Written acknowledgement from the LIHTC equity investor that income averaging is compatible with requirements of other public and private funding sources.
  • Written acknowledgement from the property manager regarding the compliance implications and commitment to provide annual income averaging training to on-site property management.
  • Payment of an additional application fee to re-underwrite the development, if applicable.
  • Payment of an additional compliance fee to reflect increased monitoring requirements for developments that elect income averaging.
  • Updated common application.
  • Updated market study demonstrating sufficient market demand for each income bracket proposed.

The Authority has authorization from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development to conduct subsidy layering reviews (SLRs) for newly constructed and/or rehabilitated multifamily projects that: 1) have received an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits from the Authority, 2) received an allocation of HOME and/or NHTF financed by IHDA, and 3) will receive project-based voucher (PBV) rental assistance. Questions may be directed to

SLR Instructions

SLR Request Template

SLR Application & Checklist

HUD Form 2880

2024 LIHTC Application Round Frequently Asked Questions – General

Answers to common general questions you may have as you complete your 2024 LIHTC application. Updated March 2024.

2024 LIHTC Applications Round FAQs Development Team

Answers to common general questions Development Team scoring you may have as you complete your 2024 LIHTC application. Updated March 2024.

2024 LIHTC Application Round Frequently Asked Questions – Energy Efficiency & Sustainability

Answers to common questions about Energy Efficiency and Sustainability as you complete your 2024 LIHTC application. Updated March 2024.

The Authority will not issue 8609(s) until the final draw request has been submitted and approved by the Authority. The Authority also will not issue 8609(s) unless all fees and payments due to the Authority in connection with any Authority program have been paid. All documentation must be submitted via email to Daisy Marchan at

Tips for applying for 8609

Provides tips for completing and applying for your 8609 form.

Checklist for 8609 issuance

LIHTC and 1602 checklist for issuance of IRS Form 8609. Submit this checklist with your packet of materials.

Owner Certification Forms

LIHTC owner certification forms.

Fee Payment Form

Multifamily fee payment form to be submitted with your packet of materials.

Compliance Monitoring Agreement

Compliance Monitoring Fee Agreement is part of the Determination letter and should be submitted with your packet of materials.

Final Financing Form

Form to list the final sources and amounts of funds for your Tax Credit project.

Certification of Partnership Agreement

Partnership agreement form to be submitted with your packet of materials.

Other IHDA Programs or Funding Sources

Next Generation Capacity Building for BIPOC Developers (Next Gen) Request for Applications (RFA)

Request for Applications

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) is pleased to announce funding for its Next Generation Capacity Building for BIPOC Developers (Next Gen) Request for Applications (RFA). Funding is available for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to:

  • Originate and manage a pre-development loan fund,
  • Provide Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) specific training and,
  • Provide curated project specific technical assistance.

The loans, training and technical assistance will be provided to for-profit and not-for profit developers of affordable housing that are BIPOC owned or led, as defined within the current approved LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plan and have an interest in developing LIHTC projects.

Applications are due IHDA by 3 p.m. CT on Friday, November 18, 2022.  Applications must be submitted electronically to

Any questions about the Next Generation Capacity Building for BIPOC Developers (Next Gen) Program should be directed to

Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credit

IHDA Bond Programs

First Mortgage Loan Programs

Permanent Supportive Housing

Long Term Operating Support Program (LTOS) Request for Applications

Applications for LTOS are now being accepted on a rolling basis until further notice.  To apply for funding, please follow the instructions in this Request for Applications form.

LTOS Application Checklist

LTOS Application Checklist to follow when making an application. Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

LTOS  Statewide Referral Network Agreement Certification

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

LTOS Environmental Checklist 

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

Certification of IHDA’s Right to Inspect LTOS Units

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

LTOS Grant Calculation Exhibit

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

LTOS – Architectural Standards, Universal Design and Accessibility Certification

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

LTOS – Self Scoring Form 

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

LTOS – Illinois Rate of Extremely Low Income (ELI) Households

Exhibit that displays the Illinois rate of ELI households by county.

LTOS – Geographic Program Breakdown by County

Exhibit that displays the geographic program participation breakdown by county.

Multifamily Fee Payment Form

Must be completed and included with your LTOS application.

RHSP Maximum Income Limits and Maximum Rent Limits

Limits to be used while income verifying applicants and tenants. Also includes a listing by metropolitan area and county outlining the maximum amount of rent allowed under the RHSP.

In support of IHDA’s policy of incorporating sustainability, with a focus on energy efficiency, into housing funded by IHDA, the following is a list of links to resources regarding energy efficiency funding at the federal and state levels.



Cross-Program Documents

2024 Multifamily Transaction Timeframes

Please review the timeframes required to review, underwrite, approve, and close transactions utilizing resources from the Authority. The deadlines are most relevant for 4% bond deals, but all resources will follow the same timeframes.

2024-2025 Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) Workbook

The updated 2024-2025 Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) Workbook. This current version of this PPA Workbook should be used when applying for a non-PSH, IHDA-administered program that requires a PPA. Only this current version will be accepted.

Common Application

The Common Application is to be submitted after PPA approval and required for all IHDA resource requests.

Multifamily Fee Payment Form

Multifamily Fee Payment Form to be submitted with all PPA and full applications. Updated February 2024.

Municipalities subject to the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act

Municipalities subject to the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act. Updated December 2023.

Underwriting Standards Guide

This Underwriting Standards Guide presents the Authority’s criteria for evaluating a Project’s financial feasibility and underwriting assumptions.

Underwriting Guide Changes Outlined

This guide provides a side-by side comparison of the Authority’s January Underwriting 2023 Guide to it’s October Underwriting 2023 Guide.

2020 IHDA Final Guidance on 4% Tax-Exempt Bonds (TEB) Transactions

Final guidance on requests for tax-exempt bonds and 4% low-income housing tax credits. Updated and effective February 7, 2020.

2024 Income /Rent Limits

2024 all programs rent and income limits

2023 Income/Rent Limits

2023 all programs rent and income limits

2022 Income/Rent Limits

2022 all programs rent and income limits

2021 Income/Rent Limits

2021 all programs rent and income limits

List of HUD-designated DDAs.

Site Control Compliance Language

Site Control Compliance Language.

2020 Operating Expense Range

Annual per-unit operating expenses allowed by project type and geographic set-aside. Updated February 2020

IHDA Standards for Appraisals

Documentation of standards for appraisals. Updated December 2015.

IHDA’s Multifamily Properties

List of current multifamily developments financed by IHDA. The list contains developments that have closed. Updated July 2024.

IHDA’s Multifamily Properties with Accessible Units

List of current multifamily developments financed by IHDA with accessible rental units. The list contains developments that have closed. Updated July 2024.

2020 HOME Maximum Subsidy Limits

HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits. Updated December 2020.

2013 HOME Final Rule

Overview of the 2013 HOME Final Rule.