Permanent Supportive Housing

At IHDA, we believe every person, regardless of illness or limitation, should have the freedom to choose to live as independently as possible in settings appropriate to their own personal needs and preferences. That is why we commit significant resources to the development of permanent affordable housing that offers elective supportive services that allow residents to achieve long-term housing stability.

If you are interested in developing supportive housing but don’t know where to begin, check out the tools and resources in the side bar for assistance.

If you are a developer or sponsor searching for a listing of Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program submissions and approvals, you can find them below.

Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program Application Rounds

The Illinois Housing Development Authority is pleased to announce tentative dates for the 2024 Permanent Supportive Housing Round XI program. Please see the key event deadlines below:

Expected PSH Round XI Timeline Date*
Request for Applications Published August 5, 2024
RFA Informational Webinar (optional) Week Following RFA Publication
PPAs due October 7, 2024
Optional Technical Assistance Meetings PPA Notification Release Through Application Deadline
Applications Due February 13, 2025

*Dates are subject to change. Full application and timeline will be included in published RFA.

For questions regarding the PSH Development Program, please contact